The studies indicated that apple reduced the risk of prostate and lung cancer. As in many other fruits, apple contains the phenolic compounds which correspond to high amount of vitamin C and the valuable antioxidants which reduce cancer risk and DNA damage. Other than this, the rich fiber content of apple helps in bowel activities as well as it is effective in heart diseases, weight loss and weight control. Some chemicals in the apple are also protective against brain diseases such as Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s disease since some antioxidants in fresh apples protect brain cells from neurotoxicity caused by oxidative stress. Eating the apple with its skin is more beneficial.

Apple is one of the most loved fruits since it is rich in vitamin. Vitamin A is found in large quantities. However, vitamin B is found very less.

It is reported in the medical researches that the incidence of mental disorders and respiratory diseases decrease in people who eat apple and the rate of tooth decay is less than 30%. Of the apple, 83-85% is water, 0.40% is protein, 8.35% is invert sugar, 1.60% is sucrose, 0.07% is tannin, 1.32% crude fiber, 0.41% is ash. It also contains very small amount of manganese, copper, fluorine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc. and it has 59 calories per 100 g.